Platinum Invisalign Logo
Invisalign Logo

A great smile is more affordable than you may think.

Dr. Aggarwal is a Certified Invisalign® Provider in Milton, ON. Elite Invisalign Providers are committed, experienced and trained to use Invisalign aligners to treat any orthodontic cases from moderate to complex. When these providers have an Elite status, it means they’re qualified and knowledgeable, even with complex tooth movement.

Facts about Invisalign®

Just as Effective

In the hands of a skilled orthodontist or dentist, the patented technology can effectively treat most common and complex teeth-straightening concerns.

Cost about the same

Like braces, Invisalign clear aligners are included in most dental insurance policies. And with an average price difference of only $400, Invisalign may be an option for you.

Comfort and Convienence

Invisalign® allows you to avoid the potential pain, discomfort, mouth sores or injuries caused by the brace wires. Because the aligners are removable, you can also to eat whatever foods you enjoy, and continue to brush and floss as normal.

Works with your schedule

Ideal for your busy schedule, with fewer doctor visits required (approximately every six weeks). You also avoid emergency visits to repair broken wires or posts.

Did you know?

Proper aligner seating is very important. Improperly seated aligners can slow treatment, forcing patients to backtrack to previous trays. In addition to prolonging treatment, consequences of incomplete aligner seating can include unnecessary refinement.

Ask about the VPro5™ at your next visit!

We Are a Digital Impression Practice Proud Owners of an iTero® Element™ Intraoral Scanner.

The iTero Element Scanner is a state-of-the-art digital impression system that eliminates the need for messy putty in your mouth. With our iTero Element Scanner, we can digitally capture a detailed 3D model of your teeth and gums. Not only is this process far more comfortable than the old putty based impressions, but it’s faster and can offer a superior clinical endpoint.

Contact us today

To learn more about your options, please call us at 905-878-5447 or fill in the form below.

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About Bronte Family Orthodontics

At Bronte Family Orthodontics, we are committed to delivering the best orthodontic care possible. We believe that your comfort, treatment, and progress should be at the forefront of every visit to our warm and friendly facility.

During our journey we look forward to getting to know you and your family as people. Just as every smile is unique, so are you.

On behalf of Dr. Manish Aggarwal and all the staff here, we look forward to giving you the gift of a beaming smile.